The Sierra Athletic Conference (SAC) will be moving to an age-based program.  Each participant's age by June 15, 2025 will determine what team he/she will be assigned to ensure the most balanced teams. 


All SAC Teams will be using a 4 Team Format

 Midgets - 14U and all 8th graders

Jr Midgets - 13 U

Pee Wees - 11U

Jr. Pee Wees - 9U


 Summer Practice and Game Schedule

The 2025 Tackle Football season begins July 14, 2025.

Practice dates and times will be announced by Head Coaches.

Game schedules are TBD. More information will be posted as it becomes available. 


Below are the typical Saturday game times by team:

TeamGame Time
Jr Pee Wee10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Pee Wee12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Jr Midget2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Midget4:00 pm to 6:00 pm


If you are interested in becoming a coach or assistant coach, please fill out our Coaching Application and email it to


All Football Players in SAC will play based on their age as of June 15, 2025.

** Weights are subject to change as rule changes are pending for 2025 Season**

Grades and Weights by Team

GradeJr Pee WeePee WeeJr MidgetMidget
1stUp to 110   
2ndUp to 110   
3rdUp to 110   
4thUp to 110   
5th**Up to 65Up to 130Up to 150 
6th Up to 130Up to 150Up to 175
7th-**Up to 75Up to 150Up to 175
8th  **Up to 95Up to 175


Weight limit for male and female players are listed above.  The players playing age is their age as of June 15 of the current year. 

**Jr Pee Wee Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 65 lbs. 

**Pee wee Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 75 lbs.

**Jr Midget  Flyweights are limited to a maximum of three (3) at 95 lbs.

**Midget level has no flyweights 

There is no required minimum weight for any player.  

NOTE: All Associations at all levels must strictly adhere to the above age-weight schematic.

The weight shown is the maximum weight allowed.  

** Weights are subject to change as rule changes are pending for 2025 Season**


Helmet Reconditioning and Certification 

Click here for additional information.


For any additional information, please email